OpenSSD) Jasmine Technical Resources Document 번역
SSD의 FTL(Flash Translation Layer)개발 도구인 OpenSSD Jasmine 보드의 레퍼런스 메뉴얼 및 개발 가이드를 번역했습니다. 기존의 레퍼런스 메뉴얼과 개발 가이드는 국문으로 된 문서만 제공했는데, OpenSSD를 활용한 프로젝트를 진행하면서 영문으로 된 레퍼런스 메뉴얼과 개발가이드를 만들었으며 OpenSSD 프로젝트 공식 위키에 역자로서 이름을 올리게 되었습니다.
The OpenSSD Project is an initiative to promote research and education on the recent SSD (Solid State Drive) technology by providing easy access to OpenSSD platforms on which open source SSD firmware can be developed. Currently, we have offered an OpenSSD platform based on the commercially successful BarefootTM controller from Indilinx Co., Ltd. In addition, we now support an FPGA-based OpenSSD platform whose hardware and software designs are modifiable. This site is also intended to be a forum to share various simulators, tools, and workload generators and traces related to SSDs, among researchers in academia and industry.
OpenSSD project :
The Jasmine OpenSSD Platform: Technical Reference Manual (v1.4, in English) (By Preethika Kasu, Donghyun Kang, Heerak Lim) :
The Jasmine OpenSSD Platform: FTL Developer's Guide (v1.2, in English) (By Preethika Kasu, Donghyun Kang, Heerak Lim) :